
Decolonizing Your Health with Lynsi Stevens (she/her)

In this episode we discuss:

  • Decolonizing Health Care for Everyoned calling it a day.

  • Talking power dynamics, therapy can sometimes feel like the therapist holds all the cards

  • In a nutshell, decolonizing healthcare in LGBTQ+ and BIPOC mental health is about shaking things up, making it accessible, relatable, and spicy

To learn more about Lynsi Stevens visit her her website here.

Click here to read Renae’s blog on the topic.

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Guest Bio: Lynsi Stevens is the Head Witch of Crystal Case Apothecary, a wellness company that promotes a culture of magic, acceptance, and inclusivity for medication takers. I’m dedicated to advocating for those struggling with chronic, mental, and invisible illnesses, and expanding the lens of wellness to incorporate spirituality. As a survivor of racism-based trauma, I understand the importance of creating safe spaces for marginalized individuals to explore their interests and discover spiritual wellbeing. Through my work at Crystal Case Apothecary, I’m committed to providing creatives with the tools they need to seamlessly integrate their prescription into their daily lives, and advocate for themselves in the medical system, while also infusing joy and gentle guidance into the process.

Content Information: discussion of police violence, physical pain, and medical neglect

Book recommendations for this episode:

  • For Indigenous Eyes Only: A Decolonization Handbook (School of

  • American Research Native America) by Michael Yellow Bird and Waziyatawin Angela Wilson

  • Grieving While Black: An Antiracist Take on Oppression and Sorrow by Breeshia Wade

  • Decolonizing Trauma Work: Indigenous Stories and Strategies by Renee Linklater


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