Ep 23. Ambiguous Grief, Growth, & Queer Community w/ Bryan Kosarek (he/him)

Building a community and chosen family who gets you is one of the most important endeavors of our lifetime. Join us this week as we talk with Bryan Kosarek, founder of The Unite App. Together we explore:

  • Queerness

  • Ambiguous Grief

  • Growth Past Family Dynamic Patterns

  • Effect of Building Queer Community

We all need each other to be our best selves. 

What is Ambiguous Grief Anyway?

Ambiguous grief, or as I like to call it, the "Where'd You Go?" of emotions, is like trying to find a missing sock in the laundry—it leaves you scratching your head, wondering where it disappeared to. Unlike the classic stages of grief, ambiguous grief is a bit like that elusive Wi-Fi signal in a crowded coffee shop—constantly fluctuating and leaving you uncertain about its strength.

It's the kind of grief that sneaks up on you when you're scrolling through old photos, reminiscing about relationships that fizzled out without closure, or wondering if you've already said your goodbyes to someone whose mind has wandered into the abyss of forgetfulness.

Therapy for ambiguous grief?

It's like a treasure hunt for emotions! Picture this: a therapist armed with a metaphorical flashlight, guiding you through the maze of emotions, helping you decipher the cryptic messages your feelings are trying to convey.

Psychotherapy provides a safe haven for individuals to unpack the tangled web of emotions associated with ambiguous grief. Therapists employ various modalities, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, narrative therapy, and mindfulness techniques, tailored to suit the unique needs of each individual. Through compassionate listening and validation, therapists help clients articulate their feelings, understand their grief, and gradually find ways to reconcile their emotions.

The therapeutic journey involves acknowledging the validity of their grief, fostering self-compassion, and exploring coping mechanisms to navigate the emotional turbulence. It empowers individuals to reconstruct their inner narratives, fostering resilience and facilitating adaptation to the evolving emotional landscape.

But hey, maybe navigating ambiguous grief is a bit like learning to juggle flaming torches—it's chaotic, unpredictable, and definitely not in any self-help manual.

In the end, maybe finding humor in the tangled mess of ambiguous grief is like stumbling upon a hidden oasis in a desert of emotions—it might not solve everything, but it sure makes the journey a little less daunting!

Huge thank you to Bryan Kosarek for joining us on today’s podcast!

Guest Bio: Bryan Kosarek ditched his real estate career in New York City in pursuit of building a platform to make mental health support more social and accessible for marginalized communities. 

The founder of the new platform and social community, Unite, Bryan is looking to change the way the queer people find support in life when our happiness, well-being and mental health are being challenged. 

His community of friends and group therapy have always been a form of inspiration and self-care for Bryan when life became challenging. So now he’s turning what helped him into an app and is working to build a platform that grows with Unite users as they grow.

Links & Resources from this episode


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Content warning: suicide, death, adoption, trauma


Ep 24. Our 2nd Listener Q&A w/ Jenny Nigro (they) and Terra Friedman (she)


Ep 22. What to do When You Don’t Feel Motivated with Kristen Crowe (they/she)